Hunter Gibby

One story I have to share is the story of how I got the nickname Hunter Pookie. One of my friends who's name will remain anonymous (and they know who they are) kept asking me who my pookie was. Basically that means he was asking me who I had a crush on. And he has been asking this question many times already. Just as I have been giving him the same answer which was that i didn't have a crush on anyone.
But this time, he asked me this RIGHT in front of Mr. S. And I assume all he heard was Hunter and Pookie. So from that day on, He always called me Hunter Pookie instead of just Hunter. No matter the circumstance whether he was talking to other teachers about me or talking to me in front of the whole class. He would ALWAYS call me Hunter Pookie. And I always thought that it was SO annoying. But now that he's gone, I wish I could hear him say Hunter Pookie just one more time.