College & Academic Services

The College and Academic Services Office strives to provide students with the resources they need to make a well informed decision on their college aspirations. We welcome College representatives to share their campus with our students through in-person and virtual meetings. More information on our campus and students can be found in our school profile.

At Hanalani Schools, students and families are encouraged to meet with their assigned College and Academic counselor starting their junior year. Counselors assist in the College exploration and application process, and serve as the school registrar to ensure official documents are delivered to the appropriate organizations. 


Resources for College Admissions Officers

List of 3 items.

  • School Profile

  • Visit Request/Guidelines

    Visit Requests
    All college representatives are asked to request a visit using RepVisits on Naviance. If you would like to mail materials, please send them to:
    Hanalani Schools
    Attn: College and Academic Services
    94-294 Anania Dr.
    Mililani, HI 96789

    Visitation Guidelines
    College representatives are welcomed to visit Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 2:45 pm. Juniors and Seniors may be allowed to miss class for a college presentation and are required to sign up in advance through Naviance. 
  • Visiting Our Campus?

    Click here for Google Map directions.
    Click here to download our Campus Map with directions to the College and Academic Services (CAS) Office.

    When you arrive to campus, please check-in at the Upper School Office. All visitors must sign in and obtain a visitor pass prior to meeting with students. We kindly ask that you return your pass and sign-out upon completion of your meeting.

College Planning Timeline

List of 6 items.

  • Grade 7

    • Take school seriously; your performance and the choices you make may affect your future.
    • Use this time to explore; try a new sport, join a club or organization, find out what sparks your interest.
    • Learn various study skills and create good studying habits.
    • Parents and students should start the college conversation; expose students to different careers and industries.
    • Gain a strong foundation in math. If in Pre-Algebra, strive to earn an A- or higher to be considered for the honors track.
    • Practicing reading and paraphrasing in your own words.
  • Grade 8

    • Study hard and do your best to earn the best grades possible.
    • Take this time to try something new or build upon what you already know.
    • Stay involved in extracurricular activities.
    • Practice typing using “home base” and exercise typing professional emails and other types of communication.
    • Talk to your parents about college; ask them questions about their or other family members’ college experience.
    • Practice reading for accuracy and data collection.
    • Keep working hard in your classes, this helps prepare you for high school. If taking Algebra 1, keep in mind that this course will be on your high school transcript. that is sent to colleges you will be applying to.
  • Grade 9

    • Look for opportunities to grow in leadership. 
    • Establish a good and healthy daily routine.
    • Find a need in your school or community and help be part of the solution.
    • Determine main points in readings and strengthen your note taking skills.
    • Explore extracurricular activities that could lead to college scholarships and recognitions.
    • Work hard and build a strong transcript. Keep in mind that all courses from this point forward are calculated into your high school grade point average. This is an important component for college admissions.
    • Start building a resume/activity list.
    • Become familiar with NCAA and NAIA requirements and materials needed to be considered for athletics
  • Grade 10

    • Continue to explore and participate in extracurricular activities.
    • Continue to build your resume by adding any awards or recognitions received.
    • Take initiative; ask for help when needed or offer help to a friend/classmate in need.
    • Create an ideal college list; what are some things you are looking for in a college?
    • Familiarize yourself with the different standardized tests needed for college admissions; practice sample problems and understand how to read and interpret the questions. 
    • Start thinking about career options and the necessary education needed to fulfill those goals. Consider taking a summer course or enrolling in a summer program in an area of interest. 
    • Become familiar with NCAA and NAIA requirements and materials needed to be considered for athletics. It is recommended that students desiring to play NCAA Division I or II sports register for eligibility at the beginning of their sophomore year. 
    • Continue reading and develop an expanding vocabulary.
    • Begin doing the required Junior year volunteer hours the summer going into junior year.
  • Grade 11

    • September/October: Take the PSAT seriously; all juniors will take the PSAT in the first semester. 
    • February-July: Take the SAT/ACT in spring of Junior year or summer going into Senior year.
    • Attend college visits and college fairs and speak to college representatives to learn more about potential schools.
    • Talk to your parents about college finances. 
    • Register to take the SAT at least once this year. Take note of registration deadlines. 
    • Meet with your assigned College and Academic counselor to discuss post-secondary plans.
    • Work hard to earn good grades and raise your GPA. 
    • Complete the required 20 hours of community service.
    • Start brainstorming who you’d like to ask to write letters of recommendation. 
    • Start writing practice college essays. Ask a teacher or friend to read through it and provide feedback. 
    • Start networking; make connections with adults already in the career you are interested in. Chat, ask questions, and make a good impression; these are good contacts to have when looking for internships or future opportunities. 
    • If possible, physically or virtually take a campus tour of the schools you’re considering.
    • Consider taking AP or dual enrollment courses to get a head start on college credits.
  • Grade 12

    • September/October: If needed, take or retake the SAT/ACT.
    • August/September: Create a Fastweb and Scholarsapp account.
    • August/September: Update your resume. You’ll want to send colleges and recommenders the most up-to-date information. 
    • September: Provide a brag sheet and resume to college counselors and those you are asking to write letters of recommendation. 
    • October: Complete the FAFSA (Opens 10/1). 
    • Save up. College applications and college in general costs a lot of money. 
    • Make a list of memberships and affiliations within the community. Ask around to see if any of those organizations offer college scholarships. 
    • Apply to private scholarships, don’t just depend on those given through colleges. 
    • Attend college visits and college fairs and speak to college representatives to learn more about potential schools.
    • If possible, physically or virtually take a campus tour of the schools you’re considering.
    • Pay close attention to college deadlines. Apply early, don’t procrastinate.
    • Consider taking AP or dual enrollment courses to get a head start on college credits. 
    • If planning to play NCAA Division I or II sports, verify amateur status.
    • Talk to your parents about the colleges you’ve been accepted to and make a decision (National intent to enroll deadline 5/1).
    • Complete the required 40 hours of community service by 5/1.

High School Career Pathways

Hanalani Schools’ Upper School Program is designed to prepare students for college and beyond! Our three pillars of Academics Plus include Core Knowledge (Academics), Critical Skills, and Christian Character. Students are provided opportunities to discover their passions and dreams through a multitude of curricular and co-curricular programs. High school students who have a career in mind are provided with course pathways to help them reach their goals.

CLICK HERE to download the Career Pathways PDF!

Students and families are encouraged to meet with college and academic counselors to plan their high school courses and explore a variety of careers based on a student’s individual needs.

Dual Enrollment

Hanalani Schools is currently partnering with Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) and Grand Canyon University (GCU) to provide an opportunity for students to concurrently earn both high school and college credit(s).

Students work closely with the college and academic services office to select courses that align with their future educational and career goals while helping to reduce the high cost of post-secondary education.

Courses offered include but are not limited to technology, psychology, English, and more! Hanalani Alumni who participated in this program transferred their college credits to institutions such as Chapman University, Pepperdine University, and Wellesley College.

Advancement Placement Courses

  • AP Biology
  • AP Calculus A/B
  • AP Computer Science A
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP English Language and Composition
  • AP English Literature and Composition
  • AP European History
  • AP Japanese and Culture
  • AP Macroeconomics
  • AP Microeconomics
  • AP Physics 1 – Algebra-Based
  • AP United States History
  • AP United States Government and Politics
  • AP World History

Hanna Hill
Associate Director of College and Academic Services
808-625-0737 ext 121
Services students with last names A-L
Irene Burns
Director of College and Academic Services
808-625-0737 ext 273
Services students with last names M-Z
