Zach Oglesby

In remembrance of Nathan Sugimoto, or how we called him Mr. S, a beloved high school concert band teacher whose passing has left a void that words can scarcely fill, I will always find myself reflecting on the profound & sincere impact he had on my life. Mr. S was more than just a music teacher; he was a caring/generous/thoughtful mentor, an amazing friend, and the heart and leader of a band of misfits he proudly called his own.
In the chaos and unknown that is high school, Mr. S created a sanctuary for us. He understood the importance of a safe space where an uncertain student like myself could feel accepted, valued, and supported. Under his guidance, I learned to channel my time and energy into not only just the teachings & stories of the Bible but also into creative efforts/activities, thought-provoking discussions, hard work and discipline, and a reminder always to be a bit goofy; he always encouraged me to be myself—silly, earnest, and curious.

His band room, tucked away in the back of the SAC/Gym, was a place where we were free to laugh, relax, engage in shenanigans, explore the world through proactive discussions and conversations, and most importantly, it was a place to learn and a place to make mistakes…because there was a lot of mistakes in concert band. Because of Mr S. providing us a place where we could be ourselves without fear of being judged, I was given the opportunity to grow into the person I am today.

Mr. S possessed a unique personality; his presence was a blend of warmth, intense passion, loud humor, sarcasm, and an unwavering patience for his students. He was an inspiration to me every day as no matter the challenge/hiccup/bump in the road, he faced it head-on—baseball cap, jumbo gas station soda in hand, ready to tackle whatever the day threw at him. On days clouded by my own gloom, doubts, stress, and anxiety, a simple conversation with him could dispel the shadows & darkness, replacing them with a smile that would carry me through the day. Those moments were crucial during that time of my life.

Our concert band was a lively group, many times we were disjointed and all over the place, always brimming with the energy of the diverse personalities in the room. To most, it would be really chaotic, but with Mr. S front and center at his desk/piano, to me, it was a family. With Mr S., whether it was listening to him ramble on about the world, going back and forth with some good-natured ribbing and banter, sharing games we played as inside jokes at Disneyland, or even teasing each other in TSA line at the airport, every day with him was filled with laughter, friendship, and camaraderie.

Losing Mr. S feels like losing a beacon of light that guided me through my formative years growing up. I not only lost a mentor to whom I owe an immeasurable debt, but I also lost a dear friend. However, I can still hear his voice, chastising me, encouraging me not to dwell on sadness but to celebrate his life and the eternal peace he has found with our Lord and Savior. Then he’d probably crack a joke—something about "cat soup" or "duck soup", just to see me smile again.

Hanalani has lost an amazing educator whose passion for music was on display for everyone to see every year as he helped hold up our Music program for many years. So many beautiful memories were made for both parents and students of all ages (K-12) that could not have been possible without him. From the annual Christmas program, Lei Day ceremony, and Evening of the Arts to the magnum opus that was the Fine Arts Trip! Having the opportunity to perform at places like Disneyland, Knots Berry Farm, Universal Studios, and even getting to have fun at places like Six Flags or the boardwalk. We would not be able to cherish those memories if not for everything Mr. S has done. 

But as we all know, Mr. S was a true Man of God, and while we mourn his loss, we also rejoice in knowing that he is now in the glorious presence of the divine, worshipping and perhaps directing the heavenly choir. 
I owe so much to this remarkable man who taught me the importance of curiosity, being kind & compassionate, not giving up, and the importance of creating spaces where people can truly be themselves and support each other. Inspired by his example, I strive to live up to the legacy of kindness, acceptance, and unwavering support that Mr. S embodied. His memory will forever inspire me to extend the same compassion and mentorship to others that he graciously bestowed upon me.